Thursday, 29 March 2012

My collection of goods

As much as I don't want to think about dying, I guess I can for this blog. In this blog, I'm going to discuss what I would want my grave goods to be. I would like to point out that I do not want to be buried. I totally respect people who make that choice, but personally I feel as though it's a bit creepy that my body would be rotting in the ground. Just thinking about it kind of creeps me out a bit… ANYWAY, what I would want to do is is body farming (Ps. I just watched a video about body farming, and I started to rethink my decision). So yeah, let's just say I don't know what I want to do with my body when I'm dead yet. 

So, instead of just listing a bunch of things I would want in my grave, let me make this easier by showing you.

So, this is Todd. He's pretty much like my boyfriend. He's a plush of my favourite Disney character, and I bought him for an expensive price on Ebay because he was limited edition. 

Best book in the world. Enough said. If you haven't read it.. I pity you, but I'm also extremely jealous of you because you have yet to experience something brand new and beautiful. Quite in love with this book. 

This is what I'd partly be wearing. This is a Mockingjay pin (yes, I know, Hunger Games again). I just think it's so beautiful and it would add a nice fancy touch. It symbolizes a rebellion, and I love that. It would be awesome if people found this in the future and thought I was part of a rebellion. 

So, if you're wondering whether I'd be naked or not- I wouldn't be. I would wear my grad dress. Originally, I was going to sell my dress so I could get some money, but I couldn't let it go. I feel like a princess in it, and I'd hope that if people found me, they'd think that I was a princess.

This is my flying cat. I know it's weird, but I really wanted it. It's from the clothing store Artizia and it was in the display case. So, I saw them and my mom went in and asked them if we could buy one and they told us the only way we could is if we came super early when they opened on a specific day. So I skipped class and got to the mall. 5 minutes before the mall even opened, they had already sold all six of them. I had a breakdown and my mom e-mailed them and they ended up sending one to the store from somewhere else and I got it for free of charge. Amazing story. 

I hope you got a little taste of my life through this. These are the things that are symbolic to my life. If I ever choose to get buried, I will definitely have an interesting casket. 

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